Buddhist Tibetan Prayer Flag Lung ta
Buy Buddhist Tibetan Prayer Flag for a good Fortune. LungTa Literally means Wind Horse. Lung represents the wind which carries bad fortunes and negative energy away and spreads the Good fortunes and Positive energy. The horse represent the speed in which the bad fortunes transforms into good fortunes.
Tibetan Prayer flags are connected horrizontally along their top edges to a long thread. They are commonly hung on a high places where there are sufficient wind to flutters the flags(e.g., on roof top, on Balcony, small hills or on the top of a pole).
This Buddhist Tibetan Prayer Flag comes in 3 sets of five colors. And these 5 colors symbolises 5 elements. Blue symbolizes the sky , white the Air, red the Sun, green the Water, and yellow the Earth. Printed with the Buddhist Mantras for a good long life.
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